Sep 26, 2010

I am but an instrument in Your hands...

Sorry for having neglected my blog for the past six months. I went for a retreat yesterday and God put me on the right track again.

When I was praying today, I reflected upon how God uses humans to work for Him. I found a stark difference between how I operated and how God does.

If I were given a task which is very easy for me to do, something I can finish in no time, would I entrust it in the hands of another person? Even if I want to allocate that task to someone else, wouldn't I give it to someone who is very able and has the skills and attitude to it? That is human nature.

But God works differently. The Bible says that 'nothing' is too hard for Him. If God said a word, the entire humanity would bow down before and worship Him. Then, why does He choose humans to spread the Gospel? He knows that we are so frail and prone to go astray. God loves to surprise us by choosing the most unimaginable people and circumstances to work.

This very important task of spreading the Gospel, is entrusted to us. He chooses what the world looks down upon. God says in the Bible, "My ways are not your ways, and My thoughts are not your thoughts". How true!

So why do I tell this? Such a supreme God has chosen us - mere humans to do His work. He could have chosen some talented or influential people to do His work. But He chose us. Isn't this a great privilege?

My prayer today is that God will do in me what pleases Him. I am but an instrument in His hands...


deepi said...

wooow!!! its nice to see you back!! keep ur good work goin.. :)

Nithin Varghese said...

Really great blog.I’ve bookmarked your blog and I’ll be back to read more in the future! Also nice colors on the layout.God bless you.

Janet said...

Thank you Nithin! Praise be to God!